





Immersive Practice                                 


Responsive Ecologies
octoflux is a UK based arts group dedicated to creating immersive experiences for public display.

Our aim is to create thought provoking digital experiences which excites the audience and grabs their attention.

Our artists have worked with institutions such as the Barbican centre, BFI and London Bridge Live Arts Festival.

See out about page for more info


Conductive Design
We teach artists, designers and engineers how to use digital tools in their projects. Our tutors have over fifteen years of experience delivering workshops to a diverse range of people.

Some of the projects we teach:
Generative design
Interactive sound
Coding for creatives
Physical computing
Conductive design

See our courses page for our next up and coming courses. 


Audio Guest Book
Big red box
Do you require a digital designer to come and help you on a project? We have worked with artists, designers and start up companies to build unique projects for them. Projects have included sound installations, a bespoke audio guest book and interactive posters.

Email us with your project brief and we’ll get back to you with some details and fees. 

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